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Your venue or conference deserves a speaker that's not only charismatic, but invested and inspired by what the event industry is capable of achieving. As an award winning NE Ohio wedding planner with over 17 years of event leadership and design experience, Brandi Hamerstone has proven she has the insight necessary to engage an audience, while also bringing a sense of humor and passion that entertains and inspires as well.  


A true industry subject matter expert, Brandi is compelled to help support and strengthen the overall quality and service details area venues desire to address in order to stay competitive and compelling to their clients. With this in mind, in 2017, Brandi decided to grow, creating All Events Consulting to not only expand the scope of event planning and operations, but to help share her knowledge with clients, students and invested audiences alike who are aiming themselves to make the field of hospitality inventive and effective for everyone.


If you're looking for the right, compelling speaker to address the future of the industry today? Brandi Hamerstone should be at the very top of your list.

Why Brandi?


Open to a variety of custom or tailored industry topics to help support your event or audience, Brandi is also available to help support any of the following list of growing topics of interest:


Successful Venues

Quit Hiring People with Experience

Cold Calling is Dead

Photographers Aren't Just for Weddings

Vendors Refer More Than Clients

The First Impression is the Only Impression, How is Yours?

Giving Value Matters More Than Giving Discounts


Event Planning 101

How to Book the Best Without Spending the Most

Budgets & Events- How to Make Them Work Together 
Booking Venues in Unfamiliar Places 
Does Your Fund-Raiser Actually Make Money or is it Costing you Money


Relationships & Networking

Relationships & Networking- Why Good People Win
How to Build the Best Network for Your Business

Why Being Successful in Business Doesn't Have to Cost Anything


These are just a few of the most requested topics, we can customize
talks specific to your venue, company or event.

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